Jessica High School Senior Farm Session Malta Illinois
This session feels like forever and a day ago! I got to take my cousin Jessica’s senior photos which was so much fun :) My aunt and her came out to my brother and his girlfriend’s property so that she could have a farm backdrop with horses. I seriously love their yard for sessions. They have some amazing lighting and great backdrops!
It is kind of crazy to me that Jessie will be graduating next Spring. We are 11 years a part and I remember when she was just a baby. Hoping she soaks in all the fun things that senior year has to offer but is looking forward to the future. Because it truly does keep getting better and better. Adulting can be hard but I love it! And you definitely couldn’t pay me enough to go back to high school ;) So many awesome things await you after graduation.
Also, thanks Jessie for being up for all of my ideas! It was a lot of fun running around with you :)